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Our Policies

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Child Safety and Member Protection

The Elwood Cricket Club endorses the Victorian Cricket integrity policies and is committed to best practices in child safety and member protection. This includes:

as well as Australian Cricket’s Child Safeguarding Framework policies:

For further information please contact the Club’s Child Safety Officer Bob Champion here

Seniors Code Of Conduct

As a club we aim to provide an increasing number of players with the most enjoyable experience of the week, every week. To aid us in achieving this and projecting our desired qualities outside the Club, we have developed the following Code of Conduct. Adherence to these codes is key to creating and maintaining the environment desired at the Club. The Club Code of Conduct applies to all of our Senior officials and players and breaches will be addressed by the Committee.

  • Respect the spirit of the game of Cricket. Play by the laws and rules. Do not argue and control your temper. Do your utmost to uphold the Club’s good reputation.
  • Be a team player. Respect and cooperate with your Coach, Captain, team mates, opponents and officials. Make yourself available to play as often as you can and communicate that to captains.
  • Train with intent and as you wish to perform on the weekend. Help out your teammates and don’t stand around.
  • Respect that you are selected in a particular team based on your contributions on and off the ground.
  • On Match Days, arrive at the ground as instructed by the captain. Respect their strategy and follow their instructions. Work equally hard for yourself and your teammates.
  • Ensure that you support our Club by being financial and attending events. It is expected that players will make every effort to attend club functions.
  • Remember that playing for OUR CLUB is a privilege and not a right.

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